Tuesday, October 23, 2012

We're Being Watched...

In everything set them an example by doing what is good. – Titus 2:7

This past month my church has sponsored a backyard Bible club called Takin’ it to the Streets that meets on Monday nights in a low-income neighborhood in the community.  My sister and I lead music for the event, and we stick around to sit with and love on the kids throughout the rest of the night.

Last night, after music, I was sitting next to a little girl during the story time and began to notice something oddly familiar.  This little girl was sitting the EXACT same way that I was – legs crossed, hands folded on top of her knees.  I began to laugh to myself as I saw her look at me, mimic the way I was seated, look at herself to make sure she was doing the same thing, and then look back at me again.  This went on for a good couple of minutes.  My sister and her friend noticed too, and they tried to get a picture, but alas…she moved and the “cute” moment was over.

This little “moment in time” got me thinking about how we as believers are examples to those around us.  Eyes are constantly and consistently watching us to see what we say, how we act, and how we live our lives.  Are we living our lives in a way that others will want to follow?  This verse in Titus says that we should set an example by doing what is good.  As Christ followers, doing good is living our lives in a way that is pleasing to God.  Ephesians 5:1 even says we should “Be imitators of God.”  We shouldn’t just live this way in and around church; this should encompass our entire life.  At school, at work, at the gym…everywhere!  In our speech, in our actions, in our desires…everything!  People are watching us; they know we are Christians and they are watching to see if we walk the talk.

Are we walking the same way we are talking?  Are we living a life pleasing to Christ?  Are we setting a good example to others?  Live your life in a way others will want to imitate.  Those eyes are watching…