Saturday, May 18, 2013

To the Class of 2013....

“For I know the plans I have for you…” – Jeremiah 29:11

Pomp and Circumstance….times two!!!  Yesterday marked the second time I had heard this song within the past week.  Granted yesterday’s version was much, much shorter than the almost 2 hour one I listened to last week…but I digress. J  If you didn’t already know, I have had the distinct blessing to witness two very special graduations in the past week!  One of my sisters graduated from Liberty University while the other graduated from East High School in Morristown, TN.  It’s definitely made for a long and tiring week, but it’s also made for a very proud and exciting one too!

As my sisters…and all of you other 2013 graduates…step out into this new world of career, college, etc., my one piece of advice is to always remember that God knows the plans He has for you and you have to trust Him - always.  Trust Him that He is providing and will provide for your needs.  Sometimes that can be oh so hard, but those are the “testing” times…those are the times you need to trust Him the most.  When I graduated high school, Jeremiah 29:11 was definitely a strong verse that I clinged (and still cling) to in my life.  Since gradation, however, Proverbs 3:5-6 has been a verse that has carried me through every high and low.  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.”  Psalm 37:4-5 speaks to this too, “Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires.  Commit everything you do to the Lord.  Trust Him, and He will help you.”  God will help you…He promises to…there’s only one thing you must do.  Trust.

Trusting God isn’t something that will just go away, either.  You will need to place your trust in God and His Son, Jesus, every single day from here to heaven.  Even though I graduated with my Masters a year ago, I’m still trusting God for His plans for me…and I have no clue what they are.  The fear of the unknown should evoke feelings of fear or worry…but you know what I have?  Peace.  I know the plans God has for me are to give me a future and hope…and I also know that when I trust Him with all my heart He will direct me to those plans…in His time.  I’m trusting Him…daily…and it’s hard, but it’s oh so worth it.

Now that you’ve graduated, don’t run from God.  Run to Him.  You need Him now more than you ever have before.  Get involved in a church that teaches you and helps you grow in your walk with Him.  So many college students don’t go to church and it is 1,000x harder for them to grow in their walk with Christ as adults.  Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and make a difference in the name of Christ.  Reach others for the gospel.  Be a light in a dark world…even as it gets darker by the day.

My sisters have exciting futures awaiting them, as am sure the rest of the class of 2013 does as well.  One will be interning with an accounting firm while the other pursues her dreams at college.  I can’t wait to see how God uses them for His kingdom.  They are extra-special and I am so proud to be their sister.

Congrats Class of 2013!!! J

Friday, May 10, 2013

Birthday Buddies

A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children. - Proverbs 13:22a

May 11, 1987. My mom was at the hospital in labor with me and it was nearing midnight... From what I hear the nurses told the doctor something like this... "Get in here and deliver this baby before midnight." "Why?," He questioned. The nurses replied, "So she can be born on her grandfather's birthday!!" At 11:47 (thirteen minutes before May 12) I arrived. First grandchild born on grandfather's birthday... mission accomplished.

My pa and I share a special day together - May 11. I was born on his 70th birthday and he says I was the best birthday present he ever got (but I'm sure if you asked his kid self it was probably a bike or something like that) :). He was born in 1917 and I was born in 1987 (definitely a generation gap) , but we've never let that gap get the best of us...we've always gotten along and loved being with one another.

I am so blessed to be his granddaughter. He's hilariously funny, super smart, strong in his faith and so much more. Believe me, I have SO many funny stories I could tell you! I'd share my favorite but there are too many to count!

When my dad was a teenager, my pa wrote a short book (never published) about the second coming of Christ and how we need to reach lost people for Christ. He named it "The Golden Nugget." I've not read the entire thing, but the part I have read is very deep and thought-provoking. I'm so inspired by his thoughts and determination to write this short work. I'm also so thankful that I have this little "nugget" (pun intended) to show me how truly strong his faith is. I hope that one day I can follow in his footsteps and write a biblically based short book as well.

I'd never heard Proverbs 13:22 before until I started writing this blog post, but I absolutely love it! Here it is again: "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children." My pa has most definitely left and continues to leave a rich inheritance to me and my sisters. An inheritance of faith, family, and love that fills all of us with so much joy, happiness, and laughter...LOTS of laughter! He inspires me to bring joy and happiness to others. He inspires me to stay strong. He inspires me to keep the faith and trust God that He's got things all under control.

He's in the hospital on his birthday this year and I wish beyond wish that he could spend it outside of the hospital, BUT, to everything there is a purpose and so I trust God to work His will in this situation. We greatly appreciate the thoughts and prayers for him as he recovers. Prayers are a fantastic birthday present. Maybe he will have a belated birthday present and get to go home next week!!! :)

So...even though I know you won't read this, Pa, know that I love you so much and am so glad to be your birthday buddy. Happy 96th Birthday! I love you!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sweet Reminders on a Crazy Day

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. – Deuteronomy 31:6

Today’s been crazy, ain’t gonna lie.  Technology issues, heavy-ish rain, my grandfather being admitted to the hospital (he’s doing okay, by the way), plus a little bit of this and that….the devil’s really been out to seemingly ruin this day.  If you didn’t know, Sundays are my favorite day of the week.  I love going to church, I love being with my church family, I love being able to serve God on this day and so for today (a Sunday) to be crazy is just so not what I expected and wanted it to be.

There’s been a clear message, though, that has rung throughout this day…the message that God is always here and will never leave or forsake me.  I, in fact, sang about it this morning at church and then was sweetly reminded of it tonight at the children’s musical at church. 

Back in February, I found a song that I knew I wanted to sing at church, Meredith Andrews’ Not For a Moment (After All).  It is such a sweet song about how no matter what is going on, God is always with us and promises to never leave or forsake us…not for a single moment.  The message of this song literally pierces right to the heart.  Believe you me, I’ve cried a good number of times when listening to this song.  I am so blessed I got the opportunity to share it with the church family today, but even more blessed to have been blessed by its message too.

Tonight, the sweet kids sang in their spring musical entitled Spend a While on the Nile.  It is a **cute** musical and it was fun to watch the kids, but my favorite part was a message the kids sang about towards the end of the musical.  Singing Matt Redman’s “You Never Let Go,” the kids reminded us that no matter what happens, God will always be there for us and will never let us go.  Through the storms, through the valleys, in all the problems, in the good times and bad…He will never let go.  Hearing this message on your iPod is one thing, but hearing the message out of the mouths of kids....yup, that's like super heart-piercing.

Tears filled my eyes as the kids sang tonight because I realized at that moment how beautifully the two experiences from today tie together.  God will never let us go, He will never leave us or forsake you…Not. For. A. Moment.  Why?   Because He is constant.  He is good.  He is sovereign.  We don’t have to fear evil, for God is with us.  And if our God is for us, who can be against us?  How big are our problems or frustrations when we know that God is in control?  Not big at all, come to think of it.

So devil, you were defeated today.  Take the aggravation you tried to place on this day and hit the road.  I’m choosing not to look back on this day as one that was disappointing and didn’t go the way I wanted it to, I choose to look back on this day as one in which God reminded me of His promise that He’s got everything under control and will work all things out for my good (Romans 8:28).

I'm posting the two songs that blessed me today, may they be a blessing and sweet reminder to you too that God will never let you go...not for a moment.

Not For a Moment (After All) by Meredith Andrews

You Never Let Go by Matt Redman