Monday, February 24, 2014

God is SO Good!

“The LORD is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.” – Psalm 145:9

Let’s just cut to the chase and get to the point of this post which is….GOD IS SO GOOD.  Many of you have been praying for my dad and our family these past few months (which have seemed like a year) after finding out he had a malignant tumor in his small intestine that had to be removed by surgery.  We have most definitely felt your prayers and words can’t express how grateful we are for them.  They have given us a strength we didn’t think we had, a hope we could count on, and a peace that passed all our understanding. 

Let's track the "God is good" moments, shall we?!

  • If you’ve been following on Facebook, then you know that the surgery went exactly as planned and the surgeon was able to remove the tumor as well as affected lymph nodes.  God is good moment #1.  
  • During the surgery, the surgeon saw absolutely no indication of any other tumors or cancer in his body.  God is good moment #2.  
  • My dad came home after about four days in the hospital and recovered very well at home.  God is good moment #3.  
  • Today, he met with the oncologist who would determine whether or not he would have to have chemo.  Based on what the doctor saw via the pathology report, he did not feel chemo was necessary at this time!  They will just keep a good eye on everything by scans and blood work.  God is good moment #4!!!!!!!!!!!   

Do you see a pattern forming here??!?!?!?  God is SO good!

And those aren’t even all the “God is good” moments that are a part of this whole journey!  Ready for this?!  

  • The doctor who initially found the tumor as my dad was undergoing a routine test, found it because he didn’t have a lot going on that day and so he looked around a little longer and just “happened” to find this tumor.  If he hadn’t had the time, this would have gone undetected for a year or two more (which means it could've gotten worse).  God is good moment #5.  
  • The day of the surgery, during my quiet time as I cried (literally) to the Lord for peace for my dad and strength for my family, the verse my devotional led me to was Psalm 29:11, “The Lord gives His people strength, the Lord blesses them with peace.”  God is good moment #6.  
  • That day, as I drove to the hospital, the radio was playing “Our God”….the song that just happens to have the lyric, “Our God is Healer, awesome in power!”  This is a lyric I had been using many times up until the day of the surgery.  God knew the words I needed to hear…and He gave them to me.  God is good moment #7.  
  • At that exact same time, as my mom was going into the waiting room, a friend we hadn’t seen in a while (who just happened to be there for someone else) was sitting in the waiting room too and ended up coming back to check on us later in the morning.  God is good moment #8.  
  • And after the surgery, so many people sent cards, food, well wishes, and love.  God is good moments #9, #10, #11, #12….and on and on it goes to infinity!

Oh, friends…GOD IS SO GOOD!  The Psalmist was so correct when he penned, “The LORD is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.” (Psalm 145:9).   Daily, I have heeded the words of Psalm 107:1 where he says to “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good.”  For all He has done and is doing, He deserves the thanksgiving and praise!  We don’t deserve His goodness and grace and yet He bestows that upon us.  Oh, God, you are SO good and SO great and greatly to be praised!  Thank you for your goodness and your faithfulness, for showing us Your Presence when we need it and your Strength when we feel like we can’t go another step.  May others see through this journey that we have gone on that You are all-powerful and all-loving, and that no matter the situation, You will show them the same love, strength, and peace you have given us and continue to give us.  Only You could heal my dad, only You can speak words of comfort when we need to hear them, and only You could bring an unspeakable peace to our hearts through this journey.  You are so good and I am so thankful that Your mercies endure forever.

God is so good, God is so good, God is SO good…He’s SO GOOD to us!

Friday, February 14, 2014

A Chosen and Priceless Love

“In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the sacrifice for our sins. – 1 John 4:10

Whether it’s love for a friend, a family member, your significant other, your dog, your car, or your favorite dessert (mine’s cheesecake by the way)…we’ve all experienced some sort of love for someone or something else at one time or another in our life.  It’s an emotion that brings not only joy to our soul but a smile to our hearts.  To love is to show your affection and/or concern for something that you value.  It’s a chosen and priceless emotion…not a forced and insignificant one.

1 John 4:10 is pretty straightforward about God’s love, “In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the sacrifice for our sins.”  God loves us so deeply and values us so greatly that He sent His one and only Son to sacrifice His life for all of our wrong-doings.  John 3:16a says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…”  God didn’t have to send His Son and Jesus didn’t have to die on the cross, rather they chose to do that for us.  It was a chosen and priceless decision based on an immeasurable love for us.  We are valuable, we are significant, and we are treasured because we are LOVED by Father God and His Son, Jesus!

Through this incredible love, we are even given a free gift of everlasting life with the Father and Jesus in heaven!  (Now how many acts of love do you know of that don’t come with a price tag?)  John 3:16b goes on to say, “…that whoever believes in Him (Jesus) will have everlasting life.”  All that is required to receive this free gift of everlasting life is to ADMIT we have sinned, BELIEVE that Jesus is God’s Son, and CONFESS our faith in Jesus as our Savior and Lord.  For us, it’s a chosen and priceless decision based on a chosen and priceless love.

No matter who you are, what you’ve done, or where you are in life, Jesus cares about you.  He gave His life for you because He values you.  Chosen by God to be your Savior, rest this Valentine’s Day in the simple and precious truth that Jesus, this Chosen Son and Priceless Love, truly loves you.