Saturday, January 21, 2012

My Testimony

I was challenged today in regards to sharing my testimony.  It's something I take for granted and think that people know, but I know I haven't shared it as often as I should.  I recently had lunch with one of my dearest Christian friends and this topic of conversation came up.  I want to be straight-up honest with all of you who know me personally.  I want you to know that I am NOT ashamed of my Jesus.  I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength....and even though there are days when I feel alone, I know my God and Savior will never ever forsake or leave me.  I simply (and I'll's not always as simple as it sounds) have to place my entire trust in Him.  My greatest desire in life is to live as Christ's servant, working always and only for Him and for His glory.  I want all of you who read this to know my testimony and how Jesus saved me from my sins.  One of my favorite parts about my salvation experience came immediately after I asked Jesus into my heart.  I share my testimony here for all of you to see what Jesus has done for me....and can do for you, too, if you aren't a believer in Him.

My Testimony
I have not always been a Christian even though I was born into a Christian home and was in church all the time.  Growing up, I was an average American kid; I didn’t always tell the truth, enjoyed playing with my friends, and maybe had a few fights with my sister. :)  Yes, I was a pretty good kid, but I was living my life for myself and doing what I wanted to do.  Before my tenth birthday, however, I began to realize that something in my life was missing.  I began to see that other friends and family, who were Christians, had something that I didn’t have.  I soon began to realize that I needed Jesus and I asked my dad what I needed to do to have that same joy that he and my other friends and family had.  He told me that joy comes from knowing and trusting in Jesus.  As I asked more questions, he showed me the steps of asking Christ into my life.  I had heard the plan of salvation many times, but it wasn’t until this moment that everything clicked.  My dad told me about how Jesus shed his blood on the cross and died just for me.  I began to realize that although I wasn’t perfect, Christ loved me anyway.  On April 24, 1996, I prayed and asked Christ to come into my life and change me.  I remember that after I prayed that prayer, I felt as though I had gone through a physical heart transplant and had a literal new heart.  It was an incredible feeling.  The next morning, I woke up with this same feeling and began to tell everyone I saw what had happened to me the previous day.  I remember going to work that day with my dad telling everyone I saw what had happened to me.  The joy I had wanted was now on my face, in my heart, and on my lips.  Everyone was so happy for me and I was so excited to be a child of God.

The biggest change I have noticed in my life since I asked Christ into my heart is that I really want to serve God with my entire life.  Before I became a Christian, I went to church just because I had to.  If I did anything at church, I only did it because my mom and dad told me to do it; and I expected to get something out of it (like candy or a trip to my favorite restaurant).  As a follower of Christ, however, I serve God because I can’t imagine doing anything else.  Now, I don’t look for the credit in things, I just look to get the job done and be as much like Christ as I can be in the process.  Remember how before I became a Christian, I wanted to have the same joy that others had?  By following and serving Christ, I get nothing but pure joy and happiness by being able to serve others and through them I am serving the very One who gave His life for me.  I have now found joy that will last forever and I plan on living out the rest of my life for Christ.  May I share how something like this can happen to you?


If you have any questions about how you can know Christ, please don't hesitate to send me a message through Facebook.  I've shared this with you all because it's a message that I know someone out there needs to hear.  Don't be afraid of sharing your testimony with others.  You never know who's listening.

"Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord...but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, who saved us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which He gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began."
- 2 Timothy 1:8-9 -