Thursday, December 29, 2016

2016 in Retrospect

“Let your roots grow down {deeper} into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” - Colossians 2:7

It's been about 365 days since I last made a blog post similar to this, which must mean that a new year is upon us! At the end of each year, it always does my heart good to take time to stop and reflect about the year that is ending and look forward to the one that is coming. 2016 was a year of so many different experiences, opportunities, and challenges. Looking back, though, I wouldn't trade them – even if at the time I may have wanted to – because they have grown me deeper in my relationship and walk with the Father. So, as I take a few minutes to look back, I hope you will rejoice with me at what God has done and pray for me at what He will do as 2017 dawns in just a few short days.

Now that I am coming up on 2 years in, everyone asks me how I like my job. The answer? I wholeheartedly, absolutely, positively, without question, LOVE it! You wouldn't even need to ask me. You could ask any of my coworkers at the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Executive Committee and they would know how to respond....because they think I'm a little crazy (maybe even obsessed) about it...ha ha! I accept that. Truly I love going to work every day because of the blessings and opportunities that abound there. To be a part of Kingdom-building work, see things first-hand, and to be a part of planning some parts of the denomination that I was born and raised into is literally my dream come true and so humbling.

The biggest part of my job centers around the Annual Meeting of the SBC. If you're not familiar with it, this is an event where pastors, church leaders, and more come together to conduct the business of the denomination as well as worship as a body the Savior who unites us. Each year the meeting is in a different US city and so this year we traveled to St. Louis, Missouri. I am responsible for the publications that are a part of this meeting and so I spend half of the year compiling, coordinating, and putting together the items that make up these publications. These items come from all of our various organizations (mission boards, seminaries, etc.) – located all over the US – that make up this denomination and so it's a lot of organizing and keeping track of things. There is one publication that I work on while at the Annual Meeting and it's one that has to happen fast and accurately – think of it like a newspaper where things are dependent on what occurs earlier in the day. It may sound overwhelming, and it is, but it's still fun. At the annual meeting, I am also the Page Coordinator and I make sure all the pages are where they need to be when they need to be there. (Pages are volunteers who assist at microphones during business sessions.) I still have many of the same duties I had when I was a page and I actually prefer it that way because #1) I love it and #2) it is such a reminder of God's faithfulness in bringing me to the SBC Executive Committee.

An Executive Committee Meeting at our SBC headquarters in Nashville

This year I have also had the opportunity to also work on various other projects for my department as well as the Executive Committee President – Dr. Frank Page. I’ve enjoyed creating and researching, it adds a little more flavor to the job! Although I said the exact same thing last year, my coworkers make my job all the richer and it’s such a joy to share these experiences with people who think the same way I think and love the things that I love. I’m literally living my dream by being here and I can’t thank God enough for it!

There have been new opportunities for ministry over this past year. The biggest opportunity has been with Christian Women's Job Corps of Middle TN – now called Begin Anew. In last year’s retrospect, I mentioned that I was volunteering with the CWJC childcare program towards the end of 2015. At the beginning of this year, however, I was approached with making this volunteer position an actual employment (part-time, two nights a week) position. This was something I did not see coming and I was so humbled that I would be considered for the opportunity. Since January, I have been the coordinator for the childcare program at the Downtown Nashville CWJC (Begin Anew) site. I am responsible for the children, childcare workers, and also for the programming. While these children's mothers are being tutored to pass their GED tests, I am making sure their children are getting homework help, playing a game, making a craft, and hearing about the Savior who loves them. It's the perfect use of my undergrad degree in elementary education and my passion to reach children who need to know that Jesus loves them. My favorite moments of this ministry are the sweet smiles and hugs I get each night and also the engaging conversations I have with these children about God and Jesus. I won't lie, though, and say this has been an easy position – there have been intense challenges and spiritual warfare wrapped in this position as well. I constantly and consistently have to remind myself that these children did not grow up the way I did or even the way many church kids do now. This means cursing and physical fights happen sometimes, tantrums get thrown just about each night, the race card gets tossed around more often than not, and older children, especially, laugh in my face because I believe in a God I can't see. Some nights I've been able to hold it together and other nights that has been easier said than done. It's in those difficult moments, however, that I hear the words of Jesus remind me that I am His light (Matthew 5:16) and I am here to shine it bright, even in the midst of complete darkness. Although it is hard sometimes, I'm thankful for this opportunity and for each and every child that I get to interact with and love on.

My Begin Anew kids

Additionally, I have been a part of a few children's events with the TN Baptist Convention in which I've traveled around the state of TN teaching about missions – which does my children’s missions leader heart good. One of these events was JAM (Journey Across Missions) which is basically a missions conference for kids and the other was a weekend, Christmas day-camp at one of the state Baptist retreat centers. These were so much fun and I enjoyed teaching the kids about missions.

JAM Missions Conference

In February of this year, I officially became a member of Brentwood Baptist Church. What a joy it is to be a part of this congregation and watch the church continue to flourish and grow through multiple campuses and missions work. I have been heavily involved over the past year with the Children's Ministry at the main campus. As I mentioned last year, I am the director of the 5th Grade 9:30 Life Group. Because it is the biggest Life Group hour and because 5th grade is where all the three separate graded classes combine, this class averages about 40-50 kids per week. It does seem like a lot, but with my incredible team, we have a good system of managing and teaching this big group. I'm always intrigued by the questions that come up in my Sunday School class – makes my seminary degree come into play quite a bit!

I also continued working in the kids program on Wednesday nights – helping out in the 2nd grade class; and yes, I most definitely notice the age difference on Sundays versus Wednesdays! There have also been opportunities to be involved in other Children's Ministry events, the most recent being a Journey Through Bethlehem event where we dressed up in Biblical costume and walked parents and children through the story of the birth of Jesus. It was a lot of fun and I love how my church values the spiritual growth of children and provides innovative ways for them to learn about Jesus.

It may sound like I do a lot with kids ... and I do ... but I also make time, spiritually, for my own walk with God in a community of those my own age. I attend a wonderful Bible Study each Sunday evening and we have a great time learning from the Lord, as well as from one another. I recently hosted a Pumpkin Painting Party for my Bible Study group and we had a great time hanging out and having fun. I'm thankful for these friends who pray and encourage me each week.

My family has gone through transition and change this year. At the beginning of the year, my grandfather (my mom's dad) passed away from complications from Alzheimer’s. He went down pretty fast at the end of 2015 and so we had a feeling it was going to happen at some point this year. God was so good and allowed me to see him about two weeks before he passed and I'm so glad I got that special moment with him. His funeral was fit exactly for him and, as a veteran, he got a military burial with the folding of the flag and 21 gun salute. I had never been to a service like that before and so it was quite different, but certainly memorable and emotional. I miss my Papaw, but am thankful he has been restored to full health and memory…and because of Jesus, I will see him again one day!

The second transition happened with my parents. In the late half of the year, my dad got a job in Enterprise, Alabama. He is now the Church Administrator for the First Baptist Church there. After 11 years in Morristown, TN, God called him and my mom to this new location where they fit in perfectly. God couldn't have provided a better place for my dad to be. The church is growing so fast and so much that my dad's organizational skills are coming into play quite a bit. I had the opportunity to go when he was presented in view of a call and I was so impressed by the welcoming and warm body of believers. I know God is going to do some amazing things in my parents’ lives through FBC Enterprise and I look forward to seeing what those will be!

My sisters are doing well and staying busy. Meredith became a senior auditor at her accounting firm this year, and Lauren is in the final preparation stages for graduation from Liberty University next year.

As a family, our time together is few and far between. We had the opportunity to gather together for a few extended periods this past year – my grandparents’ house in KY, summer vacation in Atlanta, and the recent holiday gatherings – but we definitely don't see each other all together like we used to due to distance. Next year it may be even fewer due to the distance my parents will be. I am 6 hours from Enterprise so weekend trips may not be doable like they had been when I was traveling to Morristown. If there's one thing I've learned from my parents, however, it is that following the will and way of God is far better and fulfilling than following our own will and way, so I trust and know that God will fill my heart with His blessings in those moments that I am missing my family. I will say, however, thank you God for the person who invented FaceTime ... not quite sure how I'd go extended periods of time without seeing my family!

One of the biggest events that happened to me this year was that I bought my first home! Last year I did the apartment thing, but decided that this year I was ready to make the leap! Thankfully my time living with my parents in Morristown had given me the opportunity to save for this purchase – it would've been honestly impossible without thanks mom and dad! 

It was exciting...and stressful at look at homes and imagine what I would do with the space. I had an amazing realtor, though, who treated me like one of his daughters and made sure I was in a safe location and getting a good deal. After about 2 months of looking, he came across a condo in a neighborhood that I had really wanted to be in, but that was really hard to get into. I went at lunch one day, walked in the first two rooms nearest the front door and immediately told my realtor that I wanted to make an offer. At first he said that we would begin the paperwork when we both got back to our respective offices, but a few minutes later asked if I'd be willing to make an offer right then. I'm so glad I said yes, because as I was signing the official papers, in walked another buyer who was ready to purchase it! I'd already signed my name, though, so it was mine!

I absolutely love my home and can't believe I live there. It suits me perfectly and I've had a blast making it my own by adding furniture and decoration. My sweet coworkers even threw me a surprise housewarming party earlier in the year and provided me items that fit so beautifully in my home!  One of my parents Christmas presents to me was helping me hang pictures on my wall. These pictures are scripture and quotes that are meaningful to me and honestly have made my home feel complete and officially mine.

I love living in Nashville (minus the crazy traffic days) and, with the addition of my beautiful home this year, I feel like I officially can call Nashville, TN my home.

Emotions have been raw this year and stem from experiences of 2015 which included major life change, homesickness, hurt, and loss.  Sometimes my feelings would manifest in tears and sometimes they would manifest in anxiety attacks. I had the opportunity this year, though, to talk to a Christian counselor at my church who helped me walk through my feelings and come to a place of peace. I don't share this with you lightly. I haven't shared this with many people because of the thought that maybe people will think I can’t handle life’s challenges or that I’m weak. But you know what, I feel so led to share this with you, my dear blog readers, because it was one of the best decisions I made for myself. Seeing and talking through your feelings with a counselor or someone you trust (who is not necessarily your family) is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. They can help you recognize your triggers, listen to you, and also give pointers on how to combat those crazy emotions that come at the most inopportune times. One of my favorite pointers was one that I came up with through the help of my counselor – it’s called the Philippians 4:8 technique. How it works is that when things come up that cause me to feel down or anxiety-filled, I simply recite Philippians 4:8 and do exactly what it says, “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” When I start to think of all the things in my life and around me that meet these qualities, my mind and heart calm down and I begin to feel so much better. It’s really a great technique and I recommend it! My favorite parts of the counseling sessions were the last 2-3 minutes where my counselor prayed over me. To have someone pray over you and to actually hear them do it is such a moving and humbling experience. I’m in such a stronger place because of these sessions and I’m grateful I didn’t listen to the enemy telling me that I was weak for doing it.

I have so appreciated your prayers for me and my family over this past year – please continue them! For my family, pray especially for my parents’ house to sell so that they can be together in Alabama. Right now my mom is still in Morristown, TN until this happens. Pray also for their ministry in Enterprise and that God will be honored through it.

As for me, pray for God’s continued guidance at my job with the SBC. My busy season is the first half of the year where I am preparing, at the same time, three publications for the Annual Meeting in June. Pray that everything will come together expediently and efficiently and that God will bless our time at the Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona this summer. I ask for your prayers also with my job with the CWJC Begin Anew childcare program. Pray that God will give me wisdom and patience as I interact with these children. Pray that God will give me the words to say when they ask questions about Him and that they will come to a saving knowledge of Jesus. Lastly, pray for me in the coming year that my heart will continue to have peace and also that God's blessings will continue to abound in my life.
Word of the Year
If you’ve followed my retrospect blogs over the past years, you know that I like to close each retrospect by summing up the year in one word. This year my word of the year is … “DEEPER”. Over the course of 2016, I have grown so much deeper in my walk with the Lord, in my job, in my ministry, and in understanding myself more than ever before. Colossians 2:7 says, “Let your roots grow down {deeper} into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” As I read this, I can’t help but smile because I see my 2016 year wrapped up in every word of this verse. Instead of uprooting when the challenges arose, I dug deeper into my faith and the truth that I have been taught these past 29 years of my life…and you know what? Not only am I overflowing with thankfulness, but I am also a stronger and more mature Christian because of it! 

It’s ironic that my word of the year is “deeper” because I have spent most of my time writing this blog on a Florida beach in front of the deep, seemingly never-ending ocean. Every time I hear the waves crash on the shore, I think about the song “Oceans” and the stanza that says, “Your grace abounds in deepest waters. Your sovereign hand will be my guide. Where feet may fail and fear surround me, you’ve never failed and you won’t start now. And I will call upon your name, and keep my eyes upon the waves, when oceans rise, my soul will rest in your embrace for I am Yours and You are mine.” It’s such a peaceful feeling to know that even though oceans will rise in my life, I have the hand of the Father to walk with me and guide me through them and onto the shore. This view is also an amazing reminder of God’s faithfulness in leading and guiding me through this year because the same magnificence He has shown in my life is the same magnificence radiating from the crashing of the waves to the sunshine reflecting across the water.

Blogging on the beach
As the new year begins, I pray that I will continue to walk in the will and way of the Lord and grow even deeper in Him than I have this year. I know there will be blessings. I know there will be challenges. But as 2017 dawns, I carry with me Psalm 37:4 in which the psalmist says, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Delighting in Him is what I plan on doing. He is good. He is faithful. He is true. 2016 has taught me that. 2017, now it’s your turn.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

What's in a Name?

"See the virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and they will call Him Immanuel, which is translated "God is with us."
- Matthew 1:23

How did you get your name?  Was it a name your parents liked?  Was it a family name?  Was it a name that was popular in culture during the time period you were born?  My first name was a name that my parents liked; and one of my middle names is a family name.  I also know of many children who have names that were based on movies or celebrities.  Names can be anything from traditional to interesting to down-right “what was the parent thinking?”  God knew what He was thinking when He chose the perfect name for His Son.  He chose a name that would span the ages of time and would be meaningful to all.

In the New Testament, we find that God, through His angel messenger(s), gave specific instructions to Mary and Joseph about what to name His Son.  In both Matthew 1:21b and Luke 1:31b, the couple is told, “…you will call His name Jesus.”  It’s interesting to note that in Hebrew, this special name means “The Lord Saves.”  Coincidence?  I think not.

As we study the Scriptures, we find that our Savior Jesus has many descriptions, which we also refer to as “names,” woven throughout the Bible.  Isaiah 9:6 tells us our Savior will be the, “Wonderful Counselor, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.”  He is also described as Christ, Lord, Master, Messiah, Son of Man, Lamb of God, Light of the World, and so many more.  These descriptions help us to connect with and worship our Savior for the great and amazing things he has done and is doing in our lives.
In this season of my life, my favorite name of Jesus is “Immanuel.”  It’s actually the name that was prophesied for Jesus way before He was born.  “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14).  The name Immanuel means “God With Us.” 

About this time last year, I was ever so mindful of the name Immanuel.  I was going through a very hard time of grief and loss – something that I haven’t really talked about publically.  It was one of the most painful things I have ever gone through in my life and I felt so alone in my sorrow.  Don’t get me wrong, my family and some close friends were there for me and walked with me through the valley, but I still felt like no one anywhere understood my exact feelings and my exact grief.  I came to really rely on the name of Immanuel because I knew He hadn’t forgotten me and was the only one who would walk every single second with me…and He has.

Our world is so uncertain and in such upheaval right now that having Jesus with us is about the only way we can make it through.  Devastation, loss, grief, violence, hatred – all of these are situations happening even as you read this blog that make you shake your head and feel hopeless.  If we place our hope in Immanuel, however, we can change our attitude into one of confidence because we know God is with us…always!  He will guide and direct us.  He will lead us through the valley.  He will help us know what to say and how to help others in their time of need.  Can you imagine how the world would react if we changed our attitudes to be one of hope during hardship?!

I find it so significant that Jesus’ last words on earth were such a testament to His name Immanuel – the name He was given and that was prophesied so many years before.  While ascending into heaven, looking at His disciples who were scared and unsure of when their Savior would return again, Jesus comforts them – and us, because we’re waiting too – with words that are so indicative of His given name.  “And remember, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).  Amen!