Friday, June 29, 2012

Giving Thanks...even in 100 degree weather

"Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will
for you who belong to Christ Jesus."

- 1 Thessalonians 5:18 -

I kept repeating this verse today as I sat in 100 degree weather waiting on a tow truck for two hours because my car sounded like it was going to explode.  Thankfully, my dad and family friend (Amy O.) were gracious enough to let me wait in their air-conditioned cars, but this car situation just added to the crazy day I was experiencing.  When I woke up this morning, I had my day all planned out.  But by lunch time I realized that nothing was going as I planned and my scheduling was not working out.  And by 3:00 pm as I was on the phone with AAA, I really discovered that my day was NOT as I had planned.

God has a way of grabbing our attention, doesn't he?  It's days like this where I am reminded by our heavenly Father that I am NOT in control of my life - HE is!  That's such an easy thing to say, but SO hard to live out and remember.  Proverbs 16:9 says, "A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs His steps."  This verse tells us that God is the ultimate controller of our lives.  He knows the plans He has for us, He knows what's best for us, and He desires for us to place our trust fully in Him.

Thankfully, my car trouble isn't as bad as originally thought and it's a simple problem that can be easily fixed.  I'd tell you what it was, but I'm not really up on car terminology so I would probably not make any sense describing the problem.  BUT I have learned an important lesson today; no matter what happens - if I get rained on without an umbrella (been there...done that), if I trip up a flight of stairs (typical for me), if I burn something in the oven (which happens more often than not), or even if I have to sit and wait two hours for a tow truck...I am to be thankful and trust God that He's got it all planned out and is working things out for my good (even though it may not look like it to me at the time).  Thank you God for the difficult times, for it's through those times that I realize to always, fully depend on you.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Serving Him Through the SBC

So if you’ve read any of my Facebook posts these past few days you know I’m like really enthusiastic about the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC).  In fact, it might even be possible that I have SBC platelets in my blood…meaning that I bleed Southern Baptist…just sayin’.  You’re probably like “Good grief.  She is C-R-A-Z-Y!”  And you are probably right…ha ha!

My entire life and before I was born, I have grown up and been raised in a Southern Baptist church.  It’s all I’ve known, it’s what I know, and it’s a part of who I am.  Now I know being a Southern Baptist does NOT mean I’m a better Christian than a Methodist or a Presbyterian, in fact being a Southern Baptist does NOT mean I’m automatically a Christian.  I’m a Christian because I accepted God’s free gift of salvation, believe that Jesus is God’s Son and that He died for my wrong-doings, and confess Him as the Lord and Savior of my life and desire to live solely and completely for Him.  I’m a Southern Baptist because I align with the core beliefs and mission of the Southern Baptist Convention and desire to be a part of the various entities and activities that the SBC promote.

Did you know that the SBC is the world’s largest Baptist denomination and the largest Protestant body in the United States?  Every year, the SBC holds an annual meeting to allow its members the opportunity to voice their opinion, bring forth pertinent resolutions and motions, report on the progress of its various entities (such as mission sending agencies and various resource agencies), and offer a time of encouragement for pastors, ministers, and lay leaders.

Over 8,000 people attended!

Four years ago, at the SBC annual meeting in Louisville, I had the opportunity to join a group known as the Pages.  When it’s time to conduct business at the annual meeting, it’s very much like a typical church business meeting…except like 500 times bigger!  Due to the enormous amount of people that come to the annual meeting, the pages assist the convention by helping the messengers that desire to speak during the business sessions.  Microphone pages help messengers fill out an information sheet detailing their name, address, phone number, and a brief summary of what they are saying so that the Recording Secretary can properly denote these individuals in the session report.  When these information sheets have been filled out, a runner runs (ok…quickly walks) the information sheet up to the platform.  The platform page then gives the information sheet to the page coordinator for proper checking and then to the Recording Secretary for his clarification.  After the particular business session is over, the information sheets are given to the platform page to make copies and then are delivered to various committees, convention offices, and the Press Office.  This whole process happens very quickly, meaning that everything is extremely fast-paced.  Pages must keep track of people’s faces, names, and also what is happening on the platform – all at the same time.  It’s not hard, it’s just involved – which is what makes it extremely fun!

Pages & Sisters :)

My duty as a page is as the copy/platform page.  This means that I obtain, make copies, and deliver every informational sheet (which includes motions, amendments, questions, and points of order) to the appropriate offices.  Whereas the other pages work with the messengers, I work directly with the Recording Secretary of the Convention.  As with the other page duties, this job requires A LOT of walking and standing, which means your feet may be yelling horrid remarks at you when all is said and done.  As of this writing, the horrid remarks have subsided and my feet are returning back to normal.  :)  I must admit, seeing everything with a birds-eye view from the platform is something that is still so crazy, I can’t really put it into words.  Standing up there, I honestly feel so blessed that God has given me the opportunity to be where I am.

My "birds-eye" view

This year’s convention was historic and that’s not an exaggeration.  First of all, we elected our first-ever African American president, Dr. Fred Luter.  Why is this historic?  The SBC was formed way back in the 1800s due to the issue of slavery, Southerners believed in it and Northerners did not.  So, to have an African-American as our president is something that is pretty big.  Dr. Luter is such a nice and genuine man.  When you speak to him, he really takes the time to listen.  I got the opportunity to congratulate him on his election and he was so nice to take a photo with me.  Can’t wait to see what God does through this man over the next couple of years.  

Myself & SBC President, Dr. Fred Luter

This convention was also historic in that we agreed as a convention to have an alternate name.  You see, in the Northern or Western USA, the term “Southern Baptist” doesn’t sit well with the local people because they can’t identify with being Southern.  I even encountered this when I lived overseas with my family.  Technically, our church was Southern Baptist, but because the term didn’t really apply with a Hong Kong based church, we didn’t advertise that we were SBC-affiliated because it wouldn’t have really made sense.  Over the past year, SBC leaders debated and discussed the possibility of changing the name.  They came up with the new term “Great Commission Baptists.”  Originally, they wanted to change the name permanently, but after realizing that it would be extremely difficult to legally change the name, they decided that it would simply be an additional term to help people identify with being a part of the Southern Baptist family.  This name change is strictly voluntary; no one is required to use it.  It is just another term that can help people have an idea of what a particular church is and what it stands for.  Southern Baptist church planters from these hard-to-reach areas pleaded with the convention to adopt the name change.  On the other side of that, other preachers asked the convention to keep the one term, explaining that it would just be too confusing.  In past SBC history, attempts have been made to change the name and in all cases those attempts failed.  This time, however, the name change was approved.  We are still Southern Baptist, but we are also now Great Commission Baptists.  Originally, I was skeptical about changing the name…remember, I have platelets in my blood named SBC…but over time, in realizing that it was strictly voluntary and in thinking about my experience in a SBC-affiliated church overseas, I came to the realization that it would most definitely help Southern Baptist church planters nation-wide and around the world.

This year’s convention in New Orleans was a bit busy, there were about 20 motions which means that 21 copies of each motion must be made, delivered, and distributed.  Sometimes it can be kind of crazy how many papers and piles there are, but with the help of post-it-notes and paper clips AND, praise the Lord, a copier with a built-in stapler, it wasn’t too bad.  :)  The biggest difference this year was that there were SO many questions, points of order, and amendments for the resolution committee/seminaries/SBC entities – which require a different sort of information sheet.  There had to have been over 30+ over the course of the two days.  But…that’s what makes it fun and exciting!

I made some great network connections this week as well.  My dream is to work for the SBC, and I am beginning to see God open doors for me in that direction.  God has so much in store for me & I can’t wait to see what doors He opens for me next.

Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you; plans to prosper and not harm you, plans to give you a future and hope.”   What a great promise not only for me, but the SBC, as well.  “Greater things are yet to come & greater things are still to be done!”

Monday, June 4, 2012

Say Y-E-S to VBS!

Matthew 19:14 - Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

It's VBS week!  That means one, kids, and MORE KIDS!  I LOVED VBS when I was a kid, but I think I LOVE IT EVEN MORE now that I'm an adult! Ha ha!  It makes my heart so happy to see kids smiling, laughing, singing, dancing, and learning more about God.  Today was the very first day of VBS and it went great!  The theme this year is "Amazing Wonders Aviation" and it's all about airplanes and flying across the world seeing new and exciting things.  The overall Biblical content for the week is learning about God's awesome power. 

I have the amazing opportunity this week of teaching children in Pre-K all the way through 6th grade about missions.  If you know me, you know I'm loving every minute of it!  Opening the world of missions up to children is my absolute passion.  Helping them know about, see, and do missions are my most favorite things.  This year, our mission project is raising money for 3 different projects sponsored by the Baptist Global Response (BGR).  The grades are all in a contest to see who can raise the most money.  One group is raising money for water filters, the other is raising money for mosquito nets, and the last group is raising money for CHICKENS!  BGR uses the money given to provide these needed items to people around the world and through this is able to spread the Good News of Jesus with them.  This isn't just a one country thing, the children's gifts this week will help people all over the world.  That's pretty awesome, I think!

I encouraged the kids to think of different ways to raise money for the offering.  In a letter to their parents, I told them to take a picture of their "unique" way of raising money and send it to me so I could show it during VBS.  Within 5 hours of this challenge, I got my first picture.  You should have seen my face when I saw the was glowing! :)  Two preteen girls had made hair bows and sold them door to door in order to raise money for the offering.  I can't wait to see what else these amazing VBS kids dream up!

The theme of God's awesome power really hit home for me today as I was faced with a serious technical issue with the media equipment I use here at the church on a daily basis.  In the middle of teaching, one of the big projectors in the sanctuary suddenly went off by itself.  I know what you're thinking...YIKES!  Yep, I was thinking the same thing too, except I couldn't react because I was in the middle of teaching!  Our God is AMAZING, though, and through His AMAZING POWER, the problem was fixable and it's back to normal.  "With God, nothing is impossible!" (even a broken projector) :)

This year's theme is going to be very special to me by the end of the summer.  After VBS here at First Baptist, I will be teaching the same theme at our local Pregnancy Crisis Center VBS and also VBS at Clearwater Bay International Baptist Church in Hong Kong.  I'm excited to live out this theme this summer - God's power will definitely be at work!

I can't wait to see what the rest of this week brings.  God's going to do some AMAZING things, I can feel it!  Thanks for your prayers and keep 'em coming!!