Monday, February 25, 2013

A Note from Nelly Nama

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.” – Luke 6:38

When we show the Operation Christmas Child videos in church, there’s always one or two that talk about someone who included a letter in their shoebox and heard back from the child that received it.  I’ve always thought how cool that would be, but I also knew that it wasn’t likely to happen to everyone, especially with the number of shoeboxes OCC sends out each year.  Nonetheless, each year I have packed a shoebox, I have also included a short letter inside about myself.  When I’ve talked to the kids about packing shoeboxes, I’ve encouraged them to include a letter too.  I know that many of the children that receive these boxes more than likely don’t have access to or funds to send mail overseas, but at least a letter shows them that someone cares about and is praying for them.  Like I said, I’ve always heard stories about people that got letters, but never have gotten one in return.  Until today.

This afternoon, a special envelope came in the mail addressed to “Miss Allison.”  I looked at the stamps and immediately knew it was an international piece of mail, but thought it was from a missionary that the church kids had written during missions time.  When I turned to the back and saw “Cameroon,” I knew immediately that it was from the child who had received my shoebox.  Thanks to OCC’s EZ-Give online, I received an email back in December that told me where in the world my shoebox went.  Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever hear back from her.

I opened the folded up letter and read the precious words of a child from the other side of the world.  I share sweet Nelly Nama’s letter with you (translated from French into English):

Dear friend,
Merry Christmas!  It has been a pleasure for me to read your letter, I really and a great honor in knowing you.  It was with a lot of care and attention that I have listened to your advices, because the Bible says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
I am 11 years of age, speaking in French language. I live in Cameroon, I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers and my mom.  My dad is deceased. I'd like to be a teacher later as you.
The Lord bless you!


Jesus was right when he said, “Give and it will be given to you...”  I love how The Message puts it, “Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity.” (Luke 6:38 MSG).  This sweet note is definitely a huge “bonus and blessing!” :)

I urge you that if you haven’t ever put a note in your shoebox…do so!  Who knows, maybe you’ll hear back from them!?  Let that precious child know that they are loved, prayed for, and valued by someone half a world away.  Your gift inspires them to be interested in and learn more about Jesus because the Gospel is shared with them right before they receive their shoebox.

Also, I ask that you join me in praying for sweet Nelly Nama…that she comes to know Jesus if she hasn’t already, that she is able to serve and trust Him, and that she grows to become a beautiful woman of God.

To find out more about OCC work in Cameroon, check out this link:

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I Serve At the Pleasure of....

I haven’t done a post in a while that lives up the original premise of this blog…meaning the phrase “living with a servant’s heart”…but I was inspired the other day to write this, so here it goes! :)

When I was in high school, I took AP Government.  Looking back, that seems so NOT me, but nevertheless, I took the course.  I remember that one of our assignments was to watch an episode of the TV show “The West Wing” and report on how it related to what we were studying.  I don’t remember anything about the episode, but I do remember thinking, “This is the most boring-ist show ever.  Why would I want to waste my time watching this?  I don’t understand politics.  Where’s the remote?  I want to change the channel!”

You know what’s funny about growing up?  You come to find out that things you didn’t like/appreciate as a kid, you begin to pick up/enjoy as an adult.  Think about it…vegetables, exercise, politics, etc… Well, now that the show is on Netflix, I now find myself watching episodes of “The West Wing.”  My…how time changes things :)

I am not a political junkie by any means and a bunch of stuff on that show still doesn’t make sense to me, but I was struck the other day with a phrase that I hear quite often on the show - “I serve at the pleasure of the president.”  All of the president’s staff and cabinet are found quoting that phrase when they are asked by the president to do something.  What an interesting phrase that I think we could most definitely relate to our service to Christ.

As believers, isn’t Christ our commander in chief?  Yes.  As believers, shouldn’t we live our lives in service to Him?  Yes.  In fact, God created us to serve Him – Ephesians 2:10, “We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”  God, through Christ, has given us more than we ever deserve – the best of which is eternal life through Christ – and so living our lives in service to Him is the very least we can do as believers.

In fact, God has gifted His children in many different ways so that they can serve Him through many different avenues.  Romans 12 speaks of the different gifts that God has given His children and says “even if we do have different gifts, use ‘em!” (that was APV – Allison Paraphrased Version).  Maybe you’re good at singing, computers, teaching, sports, driving…the list could go on and on.  GOD HAS A PLACE OF SERVICE JUST FOR YOU!  Christian ministries upon ministries exist in churches and communities today that could most definitely use the gifts and talents that God has given you.  Don’t waste them!  Use them to serve your commander in chief – your Creator – your Sustainer – your Redeemer!

Serving Him may take us out of our comfort zone, it may require sacrifice, and it may require more-than-normal trust in God.  No matter what the cost, He will bless you for your service to Him.  The binder that I use for all of our screen media information has a verse clearly displayed on the front cover that I pray is an inspiration to the volunteers for that ministry and I pray will be an encouragement to you.  It’s from John 12:26, where Jesus says, “If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also.  If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.”

So…next time God asks you to do something just for Him, what will your response be?  May our hearts cry out – “I serve at the pleasure...of the King of Kings.”