Friday, June 28, 2013

An Unforgettable VBS

“When I am afraid, I will trust in You.” – Psalm 56:3

Words can’t describe how much I love Vacation Bible School.  Whether it be at my local church…at the Pregnancy Crisis Center Backyard Bible Club…or in my heart city of Hong Kong, each VBS I am/have been a part of brings such joy, excitement, and so much fun to my heart.

Last year when I found out the theme of this year’s Lifeway VBS, I thought the Biblical truth that the kids would be learning was brilliant.  “Facing Fear!  Trusting God!”  I can’t think of a better truth for children to learn at an early age than the truth of trusting God no matter the circumstance.  I wish I could travel to Hong Kong this summer and teach the Chinese kids this same truth…they so greatly need to hear it too!!!  Verses like Isaiah 41:10 “Do not fear for I am with you” or Psalm 56:3 “when I am afraid, I will trust in you”…what terrific truths that our kids can carry with them through their childhood years, into their teen years and beyond!  Most definitely for our church kids here at FBC Morristown, learning this truth after the events of last year was extra-specially important.  No matter what happens in our lives, we can ALWAYS trust that God is and will be with us.  I must tell you, hearing the kids sing the songs and recite the verses from this year’s VBS was especially uplifting.  These kids can now carry the truths in the tunes and remember them for years to come!

FBC Morristown's AWESOME VBS 2013 kids!!!

When I began planning for VBS, I kind of thought that this year’s theme would be more of a reinforcement theme for me.  Yes, I know that I can trust God in any circumstance.  Yes, I know that God will never leave or forsake me...I’ve even written a bunch of blogs about this theme.  When we finally got to VBS week, however, the truths I had been learning about through my planning would never be more prevalent than they were that particular week.  You see, VBS week was the week my grandfather began going significantly downhill, health-wise.  I must admit, it was hard to put on a brave face every day and teach the kids about truths that I was having to strongly depend on myself.   In fact, one night I was getting something ready in the VBS worship rally room (sanctuary) and I just burst into tears over everything.  I knew God was with me, I knew he was taking care of me, but I was sad…so sad…that my grandfather was suffering.

Then Friday night at the Family Concert, the 300+ VBS kids sang the Day 5 song for their families and the words they sang couldn’t have been more poignant.  My eyes filled with tears as the kids sang these words:

I’m not afraid, afraid to let go.
I know you’re holding me.
You are the One I’m leaning on.  You are my hope and my strength.

For every breath I breathe, and the ground beneath my feet, I will trust You. 
I will trust You.
In every circumstance, no matter where I am, I will trust You.
I will trust in You.

I knew as they sang that song that everything would be okay.  I wasn’t afraid to let go of my grandfather.  I knew God was holding not only me, but my grandfather too.  I knew I could lean on God.  I knew I could trust Him with this situation.  Period. 

Literally 24 hours later from the time the kids sung that song, my grandfather passed away and entered into heaven.  Ever since that night, after hearing that song, I’ve had such a peace about everything.  Oh, yes, I miss my grandfather, but I’m at peace with his passing.  I know I will see him again and I can’t wait for that day!

This past week, I taught music at the Pregnancy Crisis Center Vacation Bible School/Backyard Bible Club.  On the last night, I taught the kids the Day 5 song.  I just smiled to myself as we sang through the words - smiling because I fully, wholeheartedly knew these words.  I lived them. 

I pray that all the kids who learned this particular song this year remember it for the rest of their life.  I pray they also remember this year’s verse and theme.  They all have life-changing implications. 

Thank you God for your promise and for allowing me to place my trust in You.  I wouldn't be a sane person without it! :)  Thank you Lifeway for developing a theme this year that so many of us can relate to.  I didn’t think I’d be relating to it like I did, but God knew I would.  You have changed so many kid’s lives through this theme…that I know.  Thank you to my sweet VBS leadership team.  Your encouragement and help during our VBS week brought so much relief and peace to my heart.  Finally, thank you to all the precious kids that sang that night at the Family VBS concert.  Many of you I know, some of you I don’t, but each one of you changed my heart and I will never forget that.  Ever.

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