Saturday, November 13, 2010

Using your gifts to serve God

So this is it. First blog post...I've often wondered about starting one of these, I mean, why would someone want to read my ramblings?...And yes, I probably will ramble! But I got to thinking...with the struggles I've gone through this year and the blessings I've experienced, and all that God's taught me from these trials, blessings, and adventures...I can be a blessing to others through the insights I've gained throughout the year.

I call this blog, Living with a Servant Heart because that is my life-long goal. We should all have be good students, parents, leaders...and I believe, full-on, whole-hearted servants for our King. He has blessed us with a gift (or maybe even gifts) and expects us to use them. Come on, admit it, when you open a gift on Christmas morning that you've been waiting all year for, you're not going to not use it! No, you're going to use it and cherish it and the one who gave it to you. Why are the gifts that God has given you any different? We should use what He has given us and cherish Him who has given it/them to us.

God's for sure blessed me with some amazing gifts of singing, using computers, teaching others (esp. kids). I cherish them every day and thank Him every day for giving them to me. Sometimes, I'm overwhealmed by what all God's given me. I feel as though I should use each and every gift God's given me all the time and feel discouraged when I am not able to because of time or energy, but my dad gave me some good advice a few weeks ago, he said, "Allison, God's given us gifts to use at different points in our life. We may not be able to use all of them at one time, but we know that we will be able to use them in the future." That really reasonated with me and I believe was a word from the Lord himself, through my dad saying, "Allison, calm down...breathe. I know your heart. I have given you these gifts. Don't worry, you'll use them for time."

My dear, dear Rabbi friend Greg Hershberg (well, he's the only Rabbi I know actually) said this a little over a month ago, "Don't serve God out of obligation, but desperation." This statement drove home the point of servant-hood to me. I serve God not because I feel as though I have to because of what He's done for me, but I serve God because I am desperate to do anything and everything for Him BECAUSE of what He's done for me!

I know God's given you a gift. It could be the gift of encouragement, singing, technology, art, teaching, driving, and the list goes on and on. You know you have it and you know you're good at it. Don't set it by the wayside and say, "Oh, I don't have time for it." "There are other people better at these things than me." "I'll do it later." God gave you the ultimate, greatest gift ever - eternal life through His Son Jesus. Aren't you desperate to give back to Him? Using your gift for Him is a sure-fire way to do so! And in the process, you will be showing the love of Christ to others and become a blessing to others in the process. Being a blessing will inspire others to serve God too. It'll be a chain reaction! :)

My parents had us watch "Psalty the Singing Songbook" videos on Sunday morning and I'll never forget this one song on one of the videos that has still stayed with me even to this day. The little girl stood there with a flower in her hand and sang to God, singing, "Make me a servant, humble and meek; Lord, let me lift up those who are weak. And may the prayer of my heart always be, make me a servant. Make me a servant. Make me a servant, today." I have made that my life's prayer and song from that moment I first heard that song on the video. Make that you're servant-song too.

"And may the prayer of my heart always be....Make me a servant. Make me a servant. Make me a servant, today."

Well, hopefully I didn't ramble too much! I just wanted to share my heart. I hope that I can share more with you in the future. Pray for me as I continue to walk this journey with the Lord, that I follow His ways and His will. I just want to serve Him...for the rest of my life.

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