Saturday, November 20, 2010

How to find the rest you need

"Come to Me all who are weary, and I will give you rest." - Matthew 11:28

I'm the type of person that needs sleep.  Without it, I cannot function.  I know some people can go a couple of days on adrenaline without sleep, but me...not so much.  This semester has been a tough one for me....I haven't known weariness like this before.  I know, this weariness is nothing compared to those of you who are parents up half the night and day with your kids and people who work hours longer than I could ever dream of; but for me, for now, it's the tiredest I've ever been.  Which is why I love this scripture so much.  Christ says if we just come to Him, in the Word, in our service, in our prayer...He will give us rest.  What a promise! 

I have definitely grown closer to Him through this semester (and as a matter of fact, year), relying and coming to Him more than I ever have in the past.  I like the song that's on the radio right now called, "If We've Ever Needed You" by Casting Crowns.  The line in it goes, "If we've ever needed You, Lord, it's now.  God it's now.  We are desperate for you hand, we're reaching out, we're reaching out."  He will be there to give us rest when we need it, and even strength to keep going, if we need that too.

I love that God provides for our needs.  He is Jehovah Jireh...My ultimate Provider.  The provider of life, blessings, joy, peace....and rest. 

If you are tired and weary, I challenge you to delve into God's Word and seek Him through prayer.  In the verse above Jesus doesn't say, "Oh, I see you are tired, I will give you rest."  He says "COME TO ME" is only if you come to Him that He will give you rest.  If you're a Christian, coming to Christ won't be so difficult because of the one-on-one relationship you have with Him, but if you're not a Christian, I'm sure you are thinking it's easier said than done.  Just let me tell you, a relationship with Christ is the most everlasting relationship you will ever have.  By being a follower of Christ, He gives you everlasting life...what better gift can compare to that!?  You can live in everlasting rest with the very One who promises to give that to you if you just come to Him.  Christ gave His life just for you because He loves you more than you've ever been loved.  All you have to do is admit that you're a sinner, believe that He is God's Son, and confess that Jesus is the Savior of your life.  Non-Christian, this is how you can find rest.

(P.S.  If it's strength you're looking for, turn to Isaiah 40:31...(hint: it involves trust)).

I may not be doing too much resting until after December 17th, 2010 at 2:00 pm when I graduate from college (ha ha), but God continues to give me the rest I need in the little time, right now, that I have to rest.  And I know that I can count on God to provide the strength I need until that time.

Thank you God for always being there and providing me with the strength and rest I need when I need it. :)

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